Immutable is the biggest gainer among gaming blockchains in June

How do you measure the success of a gaming blockchain? While there are various metrics to look at, one in particular is the number of total lifetime wallets signed up to the network.

To that end, at the start of June we looked at data tracking the number of total user wallets for the top gaming blockchains. As expected, Ronin came out the clear leader with its more than 20 million wallets, mainly thanks to its historic Axie Infinity activities.

But how did that number change during the month?

Total wallets on Ronin were up 5%, surpassing 21 million. The most popular game currently live on the network, social RPG Pixels, has accumulated 5 million in lifetime wallets, although its active users decreased significantly in June due to the game’s Chapter 2 release. The main reason behind the fall off in DAUWs is the developer’s intentional measures against bot activity, which clearly seems to be working. Interestingly, it also indicates how widespread bots are within web3 games.

Instead Immutable was the biggest gainer, with total user wallets up around 30% during the month, breaking 4 million. This was mainly driven by new games such as Hunters On-Chain and Guild of Guardians and their ongoing play-to-airdrop events. New playtests and forthcoming game launches as well as Immutable’s own The Main Quest campaign also contributed to the influx of new users. 

Significantly, Immutable’s active user wallets also shot up, from 180,000 at the start of June to over 300,000 towards the end, 26th June more exactly.

Alongside picking up new active players, Immutable is also coming out on top in terms of the number of new games added to the network. While the company itself claims a total of +330 games, 167 are officially listed on Big Blockchain Game List, including games deploying on multiple chains in addition to Immutable. During Q2 2024, 25 new games which are deploying exclusively on Immutable were added to the Big List.

In contrast, despite having the largest amount of active players, Ronin only has 16 official ecosystem games.

No notable changes in wallet activity were tracked among Wemix’s current 1.2 million total wallets, or Mythos’ 800,000. Mythical Games CEO John Linden has recently spoken about the imminent migration of Mythos from Ethereum to Polkadot, which might bring new users to the ecosystem. 

Notably, Arbitrum-based gaming L3 Xai now boasts 1.5 million lifetime wallets. Meanwhile newcomer Sonic, which is a gaming-specific Solana-based L2 rollup recently announced it’s reached a milestone of 300,000 wallets signing up. Japanese gaming blockchain Oasys remained around 50,000 total user wallets.

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