Star Atlas’ Sage Labs accounts for 15% of daily Solana transactions

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Browser-based 2D space economic sim Sage Labs from ATMTA’s Star Atlas team, has seen a big leap in transaction volume since its launch at the end of September. 

Breaking it down, data suggests overall transactions have more than doubled in less than a week, from 1 million on 4th October to over 2 million as of 10th October. The game has exceeded 16 million transactions in total, and accounts for 15% of all transactions on Solana, up from 3% in the previous week. 

Sage Labs is part of the bigger ecosystem of space MMO Star Atlas, and runs fully onchain. To some extent this is why its onchain transaction volume is higher than most other blockchain games, which only have certain aspects of the game deployed onchain. 

Still, the game had 6,000 player profiles created in its first week, which is currently up to almost 9,000, and has over 1,500 daily active users, not accounting for bots.

Despite being forced to restructure and size down the company due to economic turmoil earlier in 2023, ATMTA CEO Michael Wagner has never hinted of scaling down his vision for Star Atlas. In a recent interview Wagner said that “If anything, we’ve probably broadened the scope of what’s possible as we explore the tech and actually deploy and deliver on various features and products.”

As part of delivering on that broader scope, ATMTA recently unlocked access to its open-platform developer tools for creators both within the Solana network, and beyond. With these tools Star Atlas aims to open up the development and asset composability to a wider set of parties, while adding utility to its own ecosystem.

Stay up-to-date at the Star Atlas website.

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